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Abstract #3916

Evaluating Portal Venous Hemodynamics with 4D Flow: How Essential Is the Temporal Dimension?

Benjamin R. Landgraf1, Kevin M. Johnson2, Christopher Francois1, Alejandro Roldan1, Oliver Wieben2, Scott Reeder1, 2

1Radiology, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin (WI), United States; 2Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin (WI), United States

4D flow MRI has been shown effective in the assessment of the hemodynamics and morphology in portal hypertension. Rapid imaging approaches such as PCVIPR offer complete abdominal coverage with high spatial and temporal resolution in short scan times. Further reductions in scan time may be possible by exploiting the non-pulsatile nature of portal venous blood flow by time-averaging flow. The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of time-averaged versus time-resolved 4D flow MRI and to determine the degree of scan time reduction that can be achieved while maintaining high quality angiograms and accurate quantification of blood flow.
