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Abstract #3837

Highly-Accelerated, Single Breath-Hold 3D Cine B-SSFP MRI with a Combination of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging

Daniel Kim1, Alexis Harrison2, Wilson King3, Li Feng4, Elwin Bassett5, Christopher J. McGann2, Nassir F. Marrouche2, Ricardo Otazo6

1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States; 2Internal Medicine, University of Utah; 3Division of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Utah; 4Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University; 5Physics, University of Utah; 6Radiology, New York University

Breath-hold cine b-SSFP MRI is the gold standard for imaging myocardial function. The need for multiple breath-holds, however, increases the examination time and likelihood for patient exhaustion from repeated breath-holds. We sought to develop a single breath-hold 3D b-SSFP cine MRI pulse sequence with 12-fold acceleration using a standard coil array, by employing a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging that exploits joint sparsity among all coil datasets, and compare its performance against multi-slice 2D b-SSFP cine MRI for LV function quantification. All four global function measurements (EDV,ESV,SV,EF) were in good agreement, with coefficient of variation ranging from 6-12%.
