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Abstract #3714

Fractional Anisotropy Differences in Basal Ganglia in Neurological and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Gonzalo Pajares1, Juan Antonio Hernndez-Tamames2, Pablo Garca-Polo3, Norberto Malpica2, Ana Ramos4, Juan lvarez-Linera5

1Fundacin CIEN - Fundacin Reina Sofa, Madrid, Spain; 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; 3Centro de Tecnologa Biomdica, Spain; 4Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Spain; 5Hospital Ruber Internacional, Spain

The aim of the present work is to study differences in the basal ganglia in several diseases, using Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Although no differences in gray matter are expected when using this technique, an increase in Fractional Anisotropy values has been observed in patients with respect to controls. Depending on the pathology, this increase affecs different structures: substantia nigra in PD; pallidus, putamen and substantia nigra in PSP, or pallidus, putamen and frontal cortex in m-MCI and AD. These results seem to related to the accumulation of iron in the brain.
