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Abstract #3606

Water Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Analysis of Ischemic Stroke Model in Juvenile Rats

Renaud NICOLAS1, Grard RAFFARD2, Stphane SANCHEZ3, Eric PETERSON3, Florent AUBRY4, Isabelle BERRY5, Pierre CELSIS5, Bassem HIBA3

1Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse, , France; 2Centre de Rsonance Magntique des Systmes Biologiques,UMR 5536, CNRS,, F-33076 Bordeaux, France; 3Centre de Rsonance Magntique des Systmes Biologiques,UMR 5536,, CNRS,, F-33076 Bordeaux, France; 4Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825,, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse,, France; 5Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse,, France

DWI images of 7 juvenile rats following MCAO were acquired with b-factors up to 2500 s/mm and with three diffusion times (10,30,50 ms)and analysed with the Statistical Model of Diffusion Imaging that provide a way to estimate Diffusional Kurtosis of ischemic brain regions. A statistically significant change for Dapp (40 % reduction) and Kapp (55 % rise) were observed in ischemic versus healthy cortex. No significant effects of diffusion times were observed in this preliminary study.