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Abstract #3598

Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Detects Evolving Axonal Injury, Demyelination and Inflammation in the Course of EAE

SUMMA25Tsang-Wei Tu1, Yong Wang, Chia-Wen Chiang2, Tsen-Hsuen Lin3, Ying-Jr Chen2, Anne Cross4, Sheng-Kwei Song

1Radiology, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, United States; 2Chemistry, Washington University; 3Physics, Washington University; 4Neurology, Washington University

A novel diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) was recently introduced to resolve inflammation in presence of axon and myelin damage in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Besides the anisotropic indices provided by DTI, the isotropic diffusion reflects inflammation, through the estimation of cellularity and water fraction. In current study, in vivo DBSI of the lumbar spinal cord from EAE mice was performed, followed by histological validation. DBSI parameters revealed evolving multiple neuropathologies in the EAE course. Histological findings substantiated in vivo DBSI results. The quantification of cell and water fractions successfully identified the spatial and temporal evolution of inflammation.

diffusionfractioncellanisotropiccourseinflammationisotropiclosspeakwaterchronichistologicaledemain vivoinjuryonsetspectrumtissuemiceventralaxialbasisclinicalcomponents