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Abstract #3447

Improving Accuracy of Susceptibility and Oxygen Saturation Quantification of Veins Using Correcting Factor Method

Jin Tang1, Saifeng Liu1, Jaladhar Neelavalli2, Yu-Chung Norman Cheng2, E Mark Haacke1, 2

1Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2Academic Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States

Mapping susceptibility from field perturbation data often uses a high pass filter to remove the low spatial frequency phase, however, using high pass filter will result in a concomitant loss of important local phase information and lead to decreases of susceptibility values inside vessels, especially for large vessels. To solve this problem and to improve the accuracy of susceptibility quantification of veins, we propose a new method which uses correcting factor (CF) to automatically adjust the underestimated susceptibility value inside the vein. The underestimated susceptibility values will be completely compensated by the CF.

filterpasssusceptibilityvesselsinsidecorrectingfieldlargersaturationstepaccuracyoxygenpartcylindererrorsvenousvesselappliedapplyingbrighterconsistentespeciallyextractedhealthyimprovein vivoisotropicleadparallelsince