Joon-Sup Jeong1, Jong-Ho Lee2, Se-Hong Oh1, Taek-Hyun Ryu1, Dae-Hyuk Kwon1, Young-Bo Kim1, Zang-Hee Cho1
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Inchon, Korea, Republic of; 2Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Armenia
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping whose signal intensity is proportional to the underlying tissue magnetic susceptibility. The method provides a novel contrast in MRI and allows us to visualize different magnetic susceptibility components. In this abstract, we applied MEDI method to calculation magnetic susceptibility at 1.5T, 3T and 7T and compared the susceptibility values across the field strengths. In general, high-field-strength provides a better magnitude image than low-field-strength. In MEDI method, this magnitude method affects two aspects of processing QSM. This magnitude method affects two aspects of processing QSM. Therefore, 7T QSM image tends to have more accurate anatomical information than low-field-strength QSM image.