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Abstract #2988

Multi-Parametric Assessment of Prostate Cancer in Intermediate-Risk Patients Using 3.0 Tesla MR Imaging and Spectroscopy

El-Sayed H. Ibrahim1, Derek Hamlin1, Jean Shaffer1, Romanie C. Nichols2, Nancy Mendenhall2

1Department of Radiology, University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL, United States; 2University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Digital rectal examination, serum prostate specific antigen (PSA), and biopsy-derived Gleason score (GS) do not provide detailed information about tumor tissue characterization. In this work, a multi-parametric MRI exam, that includes T2-weighted, diffusion-weighted imaging, and MR spectroscopy, was developed, optimized for 3.0T, and tested on intermediate-risk patients, who show wide range of treatment outcomes. The results showed good (but not exact) agreements between different MRI/MRS measurements; small inter- and intra-observer variabilities; and weak correlations between MRI/MRS measurements and PSA/GS results. The detailed information by the proposed exam is expected to result in better treatment outcomes by optimizing individualized treatment plans.
