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Abstract #2863

High-Resolution FMRI Experiments on Visual Cortex Using Consecutive Interleaved EPI at 7T

Dae-Hun Kang1, Uk-Su Choi1, Jun-Young Chung1, Da-Eun Kim1, Young-Bo Kim1, Zang-Hee Cho1

1Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon University of Medicine and Science, Incheon, Korea, Republic of

Using consecutive interleaved multi-shot EPI scheme (ciEPI) with minimal intersegment delay and parallel imaging is one of methods to obtain less-distorted images. Recently, multiple stimulus-driven retinotopic maps were introduced using conventional EPI schemes in the previous study. In a present paper, a retinotopic response is observed by visual stimuli through ciEPI schemes with high-resolution at 7T.
