Mark BM Hofman1, Joost PA Kuijer1, Jan Willem de Ridder1, Lars R. Perk2, Rudolf M. Verdaasdonk1
1Physics and Medical Technology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2BV Cyclotron VU, Amsterdam, Netherlands
With the introduction of hybrid PET/MRI systems, it has become more likely that cyclotron and MRI systems will be located close to each other. This study considered the theoretical interference of a cyclotron facility on a MRI system. Measurements and simulation showed that the magnetic field of a cyclotron can be considered a magnetic dipole field. In a specific case of an 18 MeV cyclotron and a 3T superconducting whole body MR system a minimum distance of 11-21 m (depending on location and criteria applied) has to be considered to prevent interference.