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Abstract #2470

Subject Specific Respiratory Motion Correction Accounting for Hysteresis

Ian Burger1, Ernesta Meintjes1, David Firmin2, 3, Jennifer Keegan2, 3

1Human Biology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa; 2Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; 3CMR Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital Trust, London, United Kingdom

In this study we investigated a non-rigid subject specific respiratory motion model in cardiac MRI that accounts for hysteresis. The model is constructed of an ellipse superimposed on a straight line. Nine healthy volunteers participated in a study in which a navigator sample and a 2D image of the heart were acquired in each cardiac cycle for 90 cycles. The results show that this model performed significantly better than a linear affine model. Further, we have demonstrated that a pre-scan of about 25 seconds (~25 cardiac cycles) is sufficient to construct the model.
