Ileana Ozana Jelescu1, Nicolas Boulant1, Denis Le Bihan1, Luisa Ciobanu1
1NeuroSpin, CEA/DSV/I2BM, Gif sur Yvette, France
As opposed to standard diffusion-weighted sequences, the DESIRE (Diffusion Enhancement of SIgnal and REsolution) method gains signal through diffusion. We implemented 2D DESIRE with 60 μm spatial resolution and evaluated enhancement in three media: water (D≈1.5x10-3 mm2/s), thin and thick silicone oils (D≈1.8x10-4 mm2/s and D≈9x10-6 mm2/s, respectively), following a saturation time of 336 ms. Average enhancement in the DESIRE images was 3 in water, 1.9 in thin oil and zero in thick oil, confirming that the stronger the diffusion, the greater the enhancement. The application of the technique to imaging barriers and multi-compartment phantoms is in progress.