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Abstract #2190

Small Changes in Relative CMRO2 During Stepped Hypercapnia?

Stefan Alexandru Carp1, Woo Hyun Shim1, Jeong Kon Kim1, Young Ro Kim1

1Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States

Hypercapnic (CO2) calibration is necessary to be able to measure relative changes in the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) during evoked fMRI responses. The underlying assumption is that there are no metabolic changes associated with CO2 inhalation. In this work we administered several levels of CO2 (2.5, 5 and 7.5%) to anesthetized rats and compared relative CMRO2 values between these levels. We observe that when calibrating with the 2.5% to 5% transition, 7.5% CO2 appears to result in lower cerebral oxygen demand. This may be a result of BOLD signal contamination due to venous volume changes.
