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Abstract #2155

The Correlation Between the BOLD Contrast and Motor Execution Quantified by Motion-Capture Analysis of the Movements

Toshiharu Nakai1, Ichiro Takashima2, Makoto Miyakoshi3, Shintaro Ninomiya4, Ayuko Tanaka, Kayako Matsuo5, Junichi Hasegawa4

1Neuroimaging & Informatics, NCGG, Ohbu, Aichi, Japan; 2AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan; 3JSPS, Tokyo, Japan; 4Chukyo University, Toyota, Aichi, Japan; 5NTU, Taipei, Taiwan

The relationship between the BOLD contrast in the primary motor area and the motor performance quantified by motion-capture analysis using conventional CCD camera and color markers compatible with MRI was investigated. Significant difference of the correlation gradient corrected by the mean amplitude of the movements determined was detected depending on the preciseness of the movements (p<0.05). It was suggested that the correlation between the BOLD signal and motor performance is potentially biased by movement amplitude instability.
