Maryam Falahpour1, 2, Hazem Refai2, Jerzy Bodurka1
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, OK, United States; 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK, United States
It has been consistently shown that physiological noise contribution in BOLD fMRI data is significantly greater in gray matter than in white matter and with evidence of the largest noise in CSF. Here, we investigate brain-tissue-specific physiological noise spatial distributions, along with further investigations for CSF compartments noise level. T1-based tissue segmentation has been used for generating appropriate masks. We showed that the physiological noise in CSF compartments is highly spatially dependent. It is higher for inferior and superior axial slices where it has more overlap with GM and brain vasculature, and lowest in the slices containing ventricles.