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Abstract #2075

A Real-Time Event-Related Hyperscan-FMRI Software System

Sebastian Baecke1, Michael Luehrs1, Ralf Luetzkendorf1, Johannes Bernarding1

1Biometrics and Medical Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

We have developed an adaptive hyper-scanning software system, that combine two (or more) MR scanner in real time. The activation of the two volunteers can be analysed in real time and used on a brain-computer interface for controlling various paradigms. The biggest advantage here is the direct feedback to the subjects which may then influence their own brain activity and thus the development and optimization of their own strategies to increase their neural response. Here we present the first results of a feasibility study for social interaction connecting a 3T and 7T MR scanners.
