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Abstract #1991

Age-Related Changes of Prostatic Tissues in Healthy Adults Measured by Kinetic Parameters from DCE MRI

Wenchao Cai1, Feiyu Li1, Yi Dang2, Jue Zhang2, 3, Xiaoying Wang1, 2, Xuexiang Jiang1

1Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China; 2Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China; 3College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China

Purpose:To identify age-related changes and differences in the kinetic parameters obtained from DCE-MRI within the prostate gland in heathy adult men. Methods:A total of 68 heathy male volunteers were recruited into the study. The patients were divided into three age groups(10~30years,31~50years and >50years). The DCE-MRI examinations were performed on a clinical 3.0 T MR scanner. Post-procession of DCE-MRI data was conducted in the Matlab to obtain the Ktrans,Vep and Ve values. Results:The Variance(ANOVA) analysis identified significant differences of Ktrans , Kep among the three age groups within the PZ (all P<0.05),While Ve showed no statistically significant difference. Conclusion:Our results shows that there is a decrease trend of Ktrans and Kep along with age increase within the prostate PZ of healthy adults.
