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Abstract #1970

Automatic Extraction of an AIF Using a Novel Blood-Tissue Equilibrium Approach

Rejean Lebel1, Eric Poulin1, Martin Lepage1

1Centre d'imagerie molculaire de Sherbrooke, Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

We developed a new method that exploits the existence of blood/tissue equilibrium (BTE) points in DCE-MRI to automatically extract the shape of the AIF from the tissue concentration (CT) maps. This method is (1) non invasive, (2) does not require the assumption of Ktrans or ve in a specific tissue, (3) is automated (no user input/ROI tracing) and (4) corresponds to the average AIF as perceived by the voxels inside the volume of interest. In animals, the method is shown to yield accurate AIFs compared to manual blood samples analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
