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Abstract #1698

A Sodium Phased Array Breast Coil with Hydrogen Transceive

Joshua D. Kaggie1, 2, John R. Campbell3, James Badal3, Rock Hadley2, Daniel J. Park3, Glen Morrell2, Dennis Parker2, Rexford D. Newbould4, Neal Bangerter, 23

1Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States; 2Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States; 3Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States; 4GSK Clinical Imaging Centre, London, United Kingdom

It is commonly accepted that phased array receive coils will improve SNR for 1H-MRI on typical clinical magnets (1.5T or 3T). This work presents a 5-channel 23Na/single-channel 1H coil configuration for 23Na-MRI of the breast at 3T, and demonstrates significant improvements in 23Na SNR in the breast with a 23Na phased-array when compared to a single 23Na loop.
