Sandro Ebert1, Andrea Amar1, Christian Bauer1, Michael Klzer1, Peter Blmler2, Dariush Hinderberger1, Hans W. Spiess1, Kerstin Mnnemann1
1Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany; 2Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Despite its wide applicability in natural science, NMR and MRI still suffers from its inherently low sensitivity. This could be overcome by hyperpolarization via dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) which result in enhanced NMR signals. In DNP, the use of toxic radicals and microwave irradiation becomes crucial with regard to medical applications. We implemented a flow system into a mobile DNP polarizer, which overcomes both obstacles. Acquired images demonstrate, because of enhanced and due to dipolar coupling inverted signals, that hyperpolarized water can be an excellent and authentic MRI contrast agent.