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Abstract #1589

Development of an Air-Driven, MR-Compatible and X-Ray Transparent Bone Drill

Felix Victor Guettler1, Kim Winterwerber2, Andreas Heinrich1, Bernd Hamm1, Ulf Teichgraeber1

1Department of Radiology, Charit - University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2MGB, Berlin, Germany

The purpose of the study was to develop a bone drill for real-time interventions under MRI- and CT-guidance. The device does not influence the imaging, is able to bore through dense structures, and enables the placement of Kirschner wires. A special designed, pneumatically controlled drive system of ferrite-free components was developed. During a phantom experiment, compact bone was successfully drilled. Moreover, the drill is sterilizable. The manufacture of an MR-compatible bone drill, comparable to the power of a standard MR non-compatible system, is in principle possible. Such an engine could open new options in CT- and MRI-navigated surgery.
