Baudouin Denis de Senneville1, 2, Silke Hey2, 3, Chrit Moonen1, 2, Mario Ries1, 2
1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2CNRS / University of Bordeaux 2, IMF, Bordeaux, France; 3Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
MR-Thermometry for the guidance of HIFU interventions on moving organs should preferably have a high spatio-temporal resolution and volumetric coverage to allow observing the temperature with a high precision. This study investigates the possibility to perform motion compensated volumetric MR-thermometry with help of a reconstruction using a Super-resolution algorithm. This allows to deal with in-plane motion in image space first and to subsequently reduce the slice thickness towards an isotropic resolution. This I improves the accuracy of MR-thermometry due to the reduced partial volume effect.