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Abstract #1450

Knee MRI with in Situ Mechanical Loading Using Prospective Motion Correction

Thomas Lange1, Julian Maclaren1, Michael Herbst1, Kaywan Izadpanah2, Maxim Zaitsev1

1Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Since chondromalacia is associated with altered mechanical cartilage properties, the response of tissue parameters such as cartilage thickness or relaxation times to loading is of particular interest. However, knee MRI studies with in situ loading are hampered by subject motion. Using prospective motion correction based on optical tracking, MRI of the patellofemoral joint with in situ mechanical loading is demonstrated. Results indicate that the rigid-body approximation required for prospective correction with optical motion tracking is fulfilled for the patellofemoral compartment and that with presaturation of the posterior knee compartment an image quality similar to an unloaded setup can be obtained.

kneeloadingmotioncartilagecorrectionmechanicaltrackingmarkerprospectivesetupsituslabjointloadedrigidsystemartifactsbodycompartmentin vivopositionproposedsinceattachedcoronalcorrectedpartproperties