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Abstract #1398

Rapid 3D Quantitative DESS T2 and T2* Mapping in the Meniscus

Emily J. McWalter1, Bragi Sveinsson1, Ernesto Staroswiecki1, Marcus T. Alley1, Brian A. Hargreaves1, Garry E. Gold1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

We demonstrated the feasibility of measuring T2 and T2* relaxation of the meniscus in vivo using 3D quantitative DESS (qDESS) in 5 healthy individuals. The results of this study are consistent with previous meniscal T2 and T2* measurements in healthy volunteers with mean values of 10.5 1.6 ms and 7.2 0.6 ms, respectively; however, we were able to acquire data of similar resolution in shorter scan times and create maps in three planes. 3D qDESS has the potential to be used for detecting early meniscal degeneration.