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Abstract #1395

Morphological Assessment of Non-Human Primate Model of Osteoarthritis: Comparison of HR-MRI with CT Arthrography (CTA)

Anne-Laure Perrier1, Emmanuel Chereul2, Denis Grenier1, Fabrice Taborik3, Mariam Abdallah1, Thomas Chuzel2, Stphane Martin2, Luc Magnier2, Jean-Christophe Goebel1, Xavier Pesesse4, Sandra Pietri5, Hugues Contamin3, Olivier Beuf1

1Universit de Lyon; CNRS UMR 5220; Inserm U1044, INSA-Lyon; Universit Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France; 2VOXCAN, Marcy l'Etoile, France; 3Cynbiose, Marcy lEtoile, France; 4Bone Therapeuthics, Grosselies, Belgium; 5Laboratoire de Rhumatologie, Hpital Erasme, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium

Small animal model of osteoarthritis (OA) models do not always mimic with adequacy human disease. Moreover, despite superior tissue contrast and sensitivity to cartilage tissue structure, spatial resolution is limited compared to CT scanner and an accurate determination of cartilage morphology is challenging due to the small size of rodent joints. In the contrary, OA that closely resembles to the human condition occurs naturally in primate. In this context, the aim of this work was (i) to develop a dedicated protocol for knee joint examination of cynomolgus primates at 1.5T and with -CT arthroscanner (CTA); (ii) to compare morphological parameters assessed based on MRI and CTA acquisitions on a group of 10 old primates with spontaneous OA.

cartilagecoilarrayhumankneelateralprimatesacquisitionsanimalssegmentationanimalbonediametermodeprimatevolumechannelsconditiondevelopeddiseasein vivointernaljointjointsleadingloopmeasuremedialminimizemodelmodelsmorphpairplacedprocedureprotocolquantificationresolutionsidestransyearsaccessachievedacquisitionadaptedadditionalallyamongamperageapproachesapprovedautomaticbandwidthbingbuiltcharacterizescloselycoherentcoilscoincidecompartment