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Abstract #1280

Bowel Motility Assessment During Free Breathing Using Continuously Tagged MR Imaging

Marije P. van der Paardt1, Andr M.J. Sprengers1, Rolf M. Lamerichs1, 2, Aart J. Nederveen1, Jaap Stoker1

1Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2Philips , Eindhoven, Netherlands

This study presents bowel motility assessment with Continuously Tagged MR imaging. This technique employs conventional MR-tagging, modified for non-periodic motion, from which spectral information was extracted when the tag pattern was deformed by tissue motion. Spectral analysis for different frequencies was performed. This non-invasive, free breathing and automated technique detected changes in bowel motility in a group of ten healthy volunteers after administration of a spasmolytic agent. Both in lower and higher frequencies significant decrease in motility was observed.
