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Abstract #1243

In Vivo Evaluation of a Novel Left Ventricular Mechanical Assist Device Using Cardiac MRI

Jeremy R. McGarvey1, 2, Kevin J. Koomalsingh1, 2, Norihiro Kondo2, Manabu Takebe2, Walter R.T. Witschey, 23, Gerald A. Zsido2, Christen M. Dillard2, Kristina Lau2, Gabrielle Pilla2, Joseph H. Gorman1, 2, Robert C. Gorman1, 2, James J. Pilla, 23

1Department of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA, United States; 2Gorman Cardiovascular Research Lab, Harrison Department of Surgical Research, Glenolden, PA, United States; 3Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy remains a complex clinical problem. We have developed an novel MRI-safe left ventricular assist device which is able to apply directed and synchronized force to an infarct area. in vivo cardiac MRI was utilized to evaluate left ventricular function and geometry after device implantation in a porcine ischemic heart failure model. SGFP cine sequences demonstrated a significant increase in ejection fraction and stroke volume while using the synchronized pulsation device when compared to the unassisted ventricle. As such, MRI was effectively used to quantify and characterize ventricular function using a novel mechanical ventricular assist device.

assistdeviceheartbladdercardiacinfarctfailurevolumedescribeddiastolicgatedhealthin vivoinfarctioninflatedmodelmyocardiumnovelplacementrapidlyremains