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Abstract #0861

Perfusion MRI Accurately Guides the Biopsy of Tumor-Rich Tissue During Stereotactic Biopsy

B. J. Mulligan1, I. S. Grunfeld1, L. C. Baxter1, J. M. Eschbacher2, A. C. Dueck3, S. Liu1, K. A. Smith4, S. W. Coons2, J. E. Heiserman5, J. P. Karis5, J. Debbins1, P. Nakaji4, L. S. Hu, 16

1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States; 2Neuropathology, Barrow Neurological Institute; 3Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic Arizona; 4Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Institute; 5Neuroradiology, Barrow Neurological Institute; 6Radiology, Mayo Clinic Arizona

Increasing the likelihood of collecting tumor-rich samples during surgery would greatly help the diagnosis and management of high grade gliomas (HGG). We examined the utility of using Perfusion MRI (pMRI) to guide stereotactic biopsy in cases of recurrent tumor. A pMRI Fractional Tumor Burden (pMRI-FTB) was calculated from the relative Cerebral Blood Volume to differentiate between post-treatment radiation effect (PTRE) and HGG recurrence. pMRI-FTB showed strong correlation with the biopsy-derived histologic tumor fraction (r = 0.90), indicating that this may be a useful method for guiding surgical biopsies.
