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Abstract #0634

kT-Points-Based Inversion Pulse Design for Transmit-SENSE Enabled MP-RAGE Brain Imaging at 7T

M.A. Cloos1, 2, N. Boulant1, M. Luong2, G. Ferrand2, E. Giacomini1, M-F. Hang1, C.J. Wiggins1, D. Le Bihan1, A. Amadon1

1CEA, DSV, I2BM, Neurospin, LRMN, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Ile de france, France; 2CEA, DSM, IRFU, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Ile de france, France

Among the advantages of the Transmit-SENSE method is the ability to facilitate short low SAR excitation pulses with excellent flip-angle homogeneity at high field. In this framework, large tip angle pulses are of particular interest as they could provide a viable alternative to the SAR-demanding adiabatic solutions. In this abstract, we demonstrate the kT-points method in the MP-RAGE sequence for high-resolution T1-weighted brain imaging at 7 Tesla, omitting adiabatic pulses by introducing the kT-points-based inversion pulse design.