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Abstract #0563

MR-Guided Focal Cryoablation of Prostate Cancer Recurrence Following External Beam Radiation Therapy: Safety & Feasilbility

MAGNA25Joyce G.R. Bomers1, Derya Yakar1, Kristian Overduin1, Frank de Lange1, J.P. Michiel Sedelaar2, Henk Vergunst3, Jelle O. Barentsz1, Jurgen J. Ftterer1

1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands; 2Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands; 3Urology, Canisius Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Six patients with recurrent PCa were successfully treated with transperineal MR-guided focal cryoablation in a closed-bore 1.5 tesla MR scanner. In all patients a hyper intense ice ball rim was clearly visible on T1-weighted images and iceball growth and thus critical temperature zone were carefully monitored. No major complications were recorded. After 3 months PSA level decreased and follow-up MRI showed no cancer. Initial results are promising and more patients have to be included.
