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Abstract #0561

A Clinically Applicable Approach for Higher Spatiotemporal Resolution Thermometry Mapping

Feng Huang1, Max Khler2, Jukka Tanttu2, Roel Deckers3, Wei Lin1, George Randy Duensing1

1Invivo Corporation, Gainesville, FL, United States; 2Philips Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland; 3University Medical Center Utrecht, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands

In recent years magnetic resonance thermometry has been coupled with various means of heating or cooling tissue for therapy. Measuring the effect of the tissue heating or cooling allows the guiding of the therapy and also the ability to assess the effect of a therapeutic treatment on a subject. To achieve sufficient temporal and spatial resolution in proton resonance frequency based thermometry, fast phase imaging is required preferably with a high spatial resolution while maintaining a sufficient SNR for reconstruction of reliable temperature measurements. In this work, a variable density acquisition scheme and spatially adaptive convolution in k/k-t space reconstruction scheme are proposed for this purpose. Preliminary results show that the temperature error of the proposed method is -0.30.8 C at net reduction factor 4.
