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Abstract #0515

Navigator-Free Self-Gated Dynamic Cine Imaging Using 2D Cartesian Golden Step Phase Encoding

MAGNA25Liheng Guo1, Ozan Sayin1, J. Andrew Derbyshire2, Daniel A. Herzka1

1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States; 2Tornado Medical Systems, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

We propose a 2D self-gated dynamic imaging strategy that detects motion using near-center Cartesian phase encodes instead of dedicated navigator echoes, featuring 1) no motion-detection overhead to imaging data acquisition, 2) high motion-sampling rate and cine reconstruction frame rate both retrospectively and independently adjustable, and 3) minimal required knowledge about the motion prior to scan (no motion-dependent parameter to calculate prior to scan). Automatic retrospective reconstruction of self-gated cines have been successful for both breath-hold cardiac and musculoskeletal (knee) studies, showing the motion-detection capability and flexibility of our propose technique.