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Abstract #0139

Super-Resolution Track-Weighted Functional Connectivity (TW-FC): A Tool for Characterizing the Structural-Functional Connections in the Brain

Fernando Calamante1, 2, Richard Andrew James Masterton1, Jacques-Donald Tournier1, 2, Robert Elton Smith1, 2, Lisa Willats1, David Raffelt1, Alan Connelly1, 2

1Brain Research Institute, Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia; 2Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

We apply the recently proposed super-resolution track-weighted imaging (TWI) methodology, to combine whole-brain fibre-tracking data (the so-called tractogram) with resting state functional connectivity (FC) data, to generate track-weighted (TW) FC maps of a given FC network. The method was assessed on data from 8 healthy volunteers. The TW-FC technique provides an approach for the fusion of structural and functional data into a single quantitative image. A potential important application of this methodology is for quantitative voxel-wise group comparison.