Alexis Gordon1, Jackie Leung2,
Igor Sitartchouk1, David Mikulis3, Andrea Kassner1
1Medical Imaging,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Diagnostic
Imaging, the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Medical
Imaging, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hemorrhagic transformation (HT) is a major adverse outcome of acute ischemic stroke. Accurate methods for predicting HT would improve patient care and stratify risk when directing treatment. Quantitative permeability estimates, KPS, are able to predict HT but require an arterial input function and kinetic modelling. Alternatively, semi-quantitative measures such as the initial area under the curve (IAUC) can provide a fast surrogate measure of KPS. However, it is not known what the optimal time interval is to associate AUC with risk of HT. Our study showed that a delayed AUC from 50-140 s is superior to a previously reported IAUC.