Jrgen Rahmer1, Bernhard Gleich1,
Claas Bontus1, Ingo Schmale1, Joachim Schmidt1,
Jrgen Kanzenbach1, Oliver Woywode2, Jrgen Weizenecker3,
Jrn Borgert1
1Philips Research
Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a new tomographic imaging approach that quantitatively maps concentrations of iron oxide nanoparticle distributions. It combines high sensitivity with the ability of fast volumetric imaging. In vivo 3D real-time MPI of a bolus of particles flowing through the heart and lung of mice has been demonstrated before, but with an imaging approach that is limited to small fields of view. Recently, a new scanner type with a bore diameter of 12 cm allowing rapid imaging with larger FoVs has been developed. This contribution presents initial in vivo rat measurements on the new system, demonstrating real-time imaging on a small volume covering the heart as well as slower imaging on a larger volume.