Maarten A. G. Merkx1, Javier Olivn Bescs2,
Liesbeth Geerts3, E. M. H. Bosboom1, F. N. van De Vosse4,
M. Breeuwer2,4
1Biomedical Engineering, Maastricht
University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands; 2Clinical
Science and Advanced Development, Philips Healthcare, Netherlands; 3MR
Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare, Netherlands; 4Biomedical
Engineering, University of Technology Eindhoven, Netherlands
In this study, the accuracy and precision of vessel area assessment is compared between experts and an automatic full-width at half-maximum method. Both phantom and clinical data is assessed by these two approaches. The experts had fixed display settings and used caliper and contour measurement tools to obtain the vessel cross-sectional area on a predefined location. Our results indicate that the automatic method outperforms the experts on accuracy and precision in the phantom data. The contour measurements are more accurate than the caliper measurements. For the clinical data, the agreement between users and automatic method increases with increasing vessel diameter.