Jiang Du1, Won Bae1, Hermida
Juan2, Eric Diaz1, Christine Chung1, Darryl
DLima2, Graeme Bydder1
1Radiology, University of
California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States; 2Scripps
Reseach Institution
Bone water occurs at various locations and in different states. It is associated with the mineral phase, bound to the organic matrix, and a significant fraction occurs in more or less free form in the microscopic pores of the Haversian and the lacuna-canalicular systems. A measure of free water concentration can potentially provide a surrogate measure of bone porosity, while a measure of bound water reflects collagen content. Here we propose to use bi-component analysis of UTE images to quantify T2* and fractions of the free and bound water components in cortical bone.