Jean-Claude Beloeil1, William Mme1,
Nadir Yousfi1, Patricia Lospez-Pereira2, yann Hrault2,3,
Sandra Mme1
Down Syndrom (DS) is a genetic pathology caused by human chromosome 21 trisomy. It is characterized by a combination of comportemental, morphological or physiological alterations observable both in human and animal models. TS65Dn model is the most widely studied mice model for DS. It is interesting to explore cerebral metabolism of Ts65Dn models. In vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can provide information on brain metabolism and neuronal function. The aim of our study was to quantify changes in brain metabolites concentrations for TS65Dn mice compared to control mice with 9.4T 1H MRS.