Magalie Viallon1, Sylvain Terraz1,
Thomas Goget1, Lorena Petrusca1, Denis Morel2,
Vincent Auboiroux1, Christoph Becker1, Patrick Gross3,
Rares Salomir1
1Radiology, Hopital
Universitaire de Genve, GENEVE,
MRgHIFU is a hybrid technology which aims to offer efficient and safe thermal ablation of targeted tumors or other pathological tissues, while preserving the normal surrounding structures unaltered. Theoretically MRgHIFU has no limitation on lesion size. The main challenge is to avoid near and far field heating. We demonstrate here that reflection at air-tissue interfaces in the far field is a problem and we evaluate an home-made multi-layer protection against tissue-to-air interface heating.