Stefaan Soenen J. H. Soenen1, Michel
Hodenius1, Marcel De Cuyper1, Uwe Himmelreich2
1Lab of BioNanoColloids,
IRC, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium; 2Biomedical
NMR Unit/ MoSAIC, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Flandern, Belgium
Magnetoliposomes (ML) have been developped and studied) for stable, non-toxic, longitudinal cell labelling and monitoring. In contrast to other iron oxide based nanoparticles, MLs are stable intracellularly for a long time, don't cause adverse effects on cell biology and result in stronger T2* contrast. The later is due to gradual, intracellular degredation of the outer lipid layer and subsequent clustering of the monolayer-coated iron oxide particles.