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Abstract #1671

Dual MRI-SPECT Agent for PH-Mapping

Eliana Gianolio1, Luca Maciocco2, Daniela Imperio3, Giovanni Battista Giovenzana3, Federica Simonelli4, Kamel Abbas4, Gianni Bisi5, Silvio Aime1

1Dept. Chemistry IFM & Molecular Imaging Center, University of Torino, Torino, Italy, Italy; 2Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), St. Genis Pouilly, France; 3DiSCAFF, University of Eastern Piedmont A. Avogadro", Novara, Italy; 4European Commission Cyclotron, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy; 5, Nucl Med Serv, Azienda Osped San Giovanni Battista, Dipartimento Med Interna, University of Torino, Torino, Italy

In vitro study of a dual MRI/SPECT pH-responsive agent where the SPECT-active moiety (based on a Ho(III) containing complex) acts as a reporter of the concentration of the MRI active one (based on a Gd(III) containing complex) thus allowing the transformation of the observed 1H-relaxation rates into relaxivities to recover the information relative to the pH determination.