Johannes Slotboom1, Dirk van Ormondt2,
Danielle Graveron-Demilly3, Dan Stefan4, Caspar
Brekenfeld1, Roland Wiest1, Gerhard Schroth1,
Olivier Scheidegger1
1DRNN-DIN/SCAN, University
Hospital Berne, Berne, Switzerland; 2Applied Physics, Delft
University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; 3Laboratoire Creatis-LRMN,
Universit Claude Bernard LYON 1, Lyon, France; 4Alter Systems
Most advanced applications for quantitative MRS can poorly be integrated in clinical routine workflow. The reasons are: (1.) they have very rudimentary image display/analysis possibilities; (2.) they have no DICOM-network capabilities for receiving/sending spectroscopy/image report files using the DICOM network protocol (data must manually be exported to off-line files (time consuming)), and (3.) they are file oriented, i.e. the user has to open files. Clinical users however do not work file-oriented, but patient/study/series-oriented. This paper reports on developed plug-ins for jMRUI to make quantitative MRS attractive for clinical routine-use.