Drew R. DeBay1, Sarah A. LeBlanc1,
Genevieve M. Weir2, Marc Mansour2, Chris V. Bowen1,3
1National Research Council
- Institute for Biodiagnostics (Atlantic), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 2Immunovaccine
Inc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 3Department of Physics &
Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Due to the inherent composition of depot vaccine formulations, they are ideally suited for visualization with MRI. This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a novel vaccine platform, DepovaxTM and characterize the immune response with MRI in the in vivo longitudinal assessment of mice subject to tumor challenge. We have shown for the first time, direct evidence of complete tumor eradication and immune activation elicited by DepovaxTM. MRI is a valuable tool in effectively elucidating the mechanisms of action, clearance and characterization of immune response as these vaccine products proceed through clinical development.