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Abstract #0897

Deflation-Induced Changes in Alveolar-Duct Geometry Via 3He Lung Morphometry, with Histological Validation

Adam J Hajari1,2, Alex L Sukstanskii2, Dmitriy a Yablonskiy1,2, Richard a Pierce3, Gaetan Deslee4, Jason C Woods1,2

1Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States; 2Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States; 3Internal Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States; 4Service de Pneumologie, INSERM U903, Reims, France

In this study we have measured alveolar and acinar duct sizes at physiologically relevant volumes in six normal excised canine lungs using a 3He lung morphometry technique optimized for measurements of canine sized airways. Our results imply that during a significant decrease in lung volume (from TLC to 63% of TLC), the acinar duct radius decreases by 17% while the alveolar depth increases by 9%. The 3He morphometry results are in good agreement with histology measurements of the same parameters from the same lungs.