Silun Wang1, Erik
Tryggestad2, Michael Armour2, Eric Ford2,
Tingting Zhou1, Kun Yan1, Zhibo Wen1, Peter
C. M. van Zijl1,3, Jinyuan Zhou1,3
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; 2Radiation
Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3F.
We evaluated radiation-induced necrosis in a rat model (40 Gy, 1010 mm2) using a multi-parametric MRI protocol, including diffusion, perfusion, and amide proton transfer (APT) imaging. Results showed that radiation necrosis consisted of a hypointense central zone and an iso-intense to slightly hyperintense peripheral zone on APT imaging, which reflected coagulative necrosis and reactive brain tissue, respectively. APT imaging can provide useful diagnostic information to assess radiation necrosis.