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Abstract #0039

Investigating Anisotropic Elasticity using MR-Elastography Combined with Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Validation using Anisotropic & Viscoelastic Phantoms

Eric Chuan Qin1, Ralph Sinkus2, Caroline Rae1, Lynne Eckert Bilston1

1Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, NSW, Australia; 2Centre de Recherches Biomdicales , Hopital Beaujon, Paris, France

Investigating the anisotropic mechanical properties of tissue can provide additional physical parameters to detect abnormal changes in skeletal muscle diseases such as atrophy. In this study, we combined Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) with MR-Elastography (MRE) to probe the anisotropic elasticity of viscoelastic materials. By assuming a transversely isotropic model, the shear moduli parallel and perpendicular to the local fiber direction (provided by DTI) can be calculated. Results are presented for anisotropic viscoelastic phantoms and ex vivo bovine skeletal muscles. The MRE/DTI mechanical anisotropic ratio was compared with the gold-standard rotational rheometry results. No significant difference was observed between the two.