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Abstract #5148

Fast Bound Pool Fraction Quantification Using Stimulated Echoes

Michaela Soellinger1, Christian Langkammer1, Thomas Seifert-Held1, Franz Fazekas1, Stefan Ropele1

1Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria

The bound proton pool fraction is linked to the lipid and protein content of myelin. Therefore, fast mapping methods are required for patient studies and clinical routine. We introduce a sequence allowing whole brain BPF determination in within clinically feasible time (~5 min for 11 slices). The method is based on the labelling of the free water pool with stimulated echo amplitude modulation (STEAM). The herewith presented approach was validated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) probes and successfully tested in three healthy volunteers. Regional analysis of white matter was in good agreement with published BPF values.
