Jinyoung Hwang1, Junmo Kim1,
HyunWook Park1
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic
segmentation of cerebellum in human brain is not widely used since the
boundary between cerebrum and cerebellum is indistinguishable due to the
partial volume effect. Although some literatures proposed the methodology in
cerebellum segmentation, they are not the purpose of the cerebellum
segmentation. In this work, we present fully automatic cerebellum
segmentation method using shape priors in brain MR images, which already
skull-stripped volume. We evaluated the proposed method to images from
BrainWeb, 1.5T, and 3T MR scanner. The proposed method shows fine segmentation
results, and it could be used for cerebellum generation in human brain.