Andrew David
Scott1,2, Jennifer Keegan, 1,2, David N. Firmin,
1National Heart and Lung Institute,
Imperial College, London, Greater London, United Kingdom; 2Cardiovascular
Magnetic Resonance Unit, The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, Greater London,
United Kingdom
motion correction using highly efficient localized beat-to-beat epicardial
fat tracking was compared to standard navigator gating using high resolution
right coronary artery imaging.
Beat-to-beat corrections were applied to 3D spiral acquisitions (99.3%
respiratory efficiency) and navigator gating applied to 3D
magnetization-prepared balanced steady-state-free-precession acquisitions
(44% efficient) in ten healthy subjects.
Quantitative comparison was performed using vessel diameter and vessel
sharpness. Results were not
substantially different between techniques and the study highlights the
importance of the localized nature of the beat-to-beat