James R. Ledoux1, Tian Liu1, Jing
Liu1, Ildar Khalidov1, Martin Prince1, Yi
1Weill Cornell Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States
reconstruction methods of Quantitative Susceptability Mapping (QSM),
Susceptability Weighted Imaging (SWI), and truncated k-space division all
desire to reveal an image of susceptability sources. It is difficult to
directly find susceptability sources from the magnetic field map (obtained by
phase information) as the dipole convolution kernel has zeros in
k-space. However, the inversion
problem can be regularized to provide a solution as shown in the QSM method. We compare this to direct inversion of the convolution
by truncating the convolution kernel near ill-conditioned values, and with
SWI which is a phase-masked T2* image.